Monthly Archives: April 2016

#LTHEchat 51: Networks of distributed creativity with Laura Gogia, Frances Bell and Catherine Cronin



We – Laura Gogia, Frances Bell and Catherine Cronin – have worked for the last year on preparing an interactivesymposium forNetworked Learning 2016 that looks at the Networked Learning Community in the context of other communities and networks in open and connected learning. Not wishing to confine ourselves to the face to face symposium we are reaching out to others, before, during and after.

So LTHEchat community – will you engage with us and share your ideas? Will you become nodes in this broader network? Can we become nodes in your broader networks? How do you bridge different networks and communities in which you work and learn?

We want to hear your ideas and bring them to our symposium — on negotiating openness as educators and learners; blending informal and formal learning spaces; and the potential as well as the limits of the networks. We will, of course…

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