Learning about Blended Learning

Colleagues may be interested in the following activities taking place around Technology Enhanced Learning:

  1. Blended Learning Essentials on FutureLearn (#FLble1). This five week introduction to Blended learning, which started on 2nd November, is aimed at teachers working in the Vocational, Education and Training (VET) sector but is highly relevant to us who are working in HE. At the time of writing, it’s the start of week three, but as this is a blended learning course it’s not too late to join in.
  2. 5 Days of Twitter (#SU5DoT) started today and is for all colleagues who are interested in giving Twitter a go. It’s being run by Sam Oakley and Elen Davies from the Library. As the title says, five days to learn twitter and find out what it’s useful for in research and teaching.
  3. 12 Apps of Christmas is another on-line course starting 1st December which promises to introduce a new educational app every day in the run up to the Christmas Vacation. Each app may be useful for your teaching and your students’ learning and you are promised hands on introductions. The course is taking enrolments now!

If you are interested in Blended Learning don’t forget to complete our staff survey that is the first step to determining a Blended Learning strategy for the college. The survey is being hosted on Google Drive at http://bit.ly/1RYYNCn. We’ll be posting the results here in due course.

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